Friday, September 11, 2009

Memeories of a darker time...

it's 9/11 today. it's hard to believe it's been so long since the attack! but i can still rember where i was when the planes hit the towers. so many things have changed over the years since that horrible day. but when it's darkest, it's easier to find the light.

looking back, i find myself greatful for all i have. life is full of trials and tribulations that test you every day. it how handle these st backs that make you up as a person. you have to look at life like there's no tomorrow, because you never know what around the corner. i've lost friends and family in the war in iraq, illness, and terrible accidents. it makes you greatful for the time you have with the ones you love.

my advice, to anyone who chooses to take it, is simple:
1: never go to bed angry
2: never leave the house with out saying "i love you"
3: live like everyday could be your last
4: no regrets

until next time. much peace, Cody Hughes Davidson

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